Asterisk RPMs


Back in October the official Asterisk wiki page on packages was modified to state that there is currently no official repository for Asterisk packages. Indeed, since then, there have been no new packages released at, the last versions available there being, all updated on 23rd October 2015, but released on 9th April 2015 are:

  • Asterisk 13.3.2
  • Asterisk 12.8.2
  • Asterisk 11.17.1
    • Those 3 releases were security releases to address AST-2015-003, the latest security advisory for Asterisk, but, making it to RPM 6 months after release. Leaving people using the official RPMs potentially exposed for 6 months. That's obviously an issue, and I expect the topic of a number of Digium internal conversations that, combined with the fact that it needed quite a bit of love and Digium were potentially suffering from limited in-house time and skills, likely resulted in the decision to drop support.

      Fedora EPEL would appear to be the ideal place to see Asterisk supported, in fact, it was, but following the typical slow and steady approach of EPEL, with Asterisk being the latest release there, released on 9th April 2015 to address AST-2015-003, and only for EL6. Unfortunately, the maintainer of the package on EPEL/Fedora, jcollie, has stepped away from maintaining Asterisk packages also, it's not visably clear where that leaves Asterisk there.

      If you use Asterisk on CentOS or RHEL, you want to be using RPM packages, not messing around with building source tarballs on each of the machines you maintain. I use Asterisk on CentOS, both on CentOS 6 and more recently on CentOS 7 working with quite a few systems that it's important to keep consistent. I need RPMs that receive fixes in a timely manner, so, I've built my own with an automated build system. As I'm sure I'm not the only one who needs this, I'm sharing them here.

      Asterisk RPM repository @

      I'm still testing the builds, and for anyone else who finds there way here, I encourage you to thoroughly test too before deploying into a production environment. Standard boiler plate: These packages are without warranty, you use them at your own risk.

      Using The Repository - EL9

      The following steps can get you up and running with the repository with EL9 quickly - this has changed from previous versions due to EL9 having new cryptography defaults:
      1. Download the repo file from to /etc/yum.repos.d/
      2. Import the signing key using 'rpm --import'
      3. Edit the /etc/yum.repos.d/tucny-asterisk-el9.repo and set 'enabled=1' for 'asterisk-common' and the version of asterisk you want to use
      4. If you are not already using EPEL, you should enable it as some dependencies are provided by EPEL. For CentOS: 'yum install epel-release', for RHEL or other RHEL based distribution, install 'epel-release' following the instructions at The Fedora EPEL Website
      5. Install the packages you want. 'dnf install asterisk' or 'yum install asterisk' can get you started. 'dnf list asterisk*' or 'yum install asterisk*' will list available packages that you may want to install depending on your requirements

      Using The Repository

      The following steps can get you up and running with the repository quickly:
      1. Download the repo file from to /etc/yum.repos.d/
      2. Import the signing key using 'rpm --import'
      3. Edit the /etc/yum.repos.d/tucny-asterisk.repo and set 'enabled=1' for 'asterisk-common' and the version of asterisk you want to use
      4. If you are not already using EPEL, you should enable it as some dependencies are provided by EPEL. For CentOS: 'yum install epel-release', for RHEL or other RHEL based distribution, install 'epel-release' following the instructions at The Fedora EPEL Website
      5. Install the packages you want. 'dnf install asterisk' or 'yum install asterisk' can get you started. 'dnf list asterisk*' or 'yum install asterisk*' will list available packages that you may want to install depending on your requirements

      Reporting Problems

      If you discover any issues with the RPMs provided here, please do report them. Please email [email protected] with the details of the system you are using, what packages you are having a problem with, steps to reproduce the issue and expected behaviour.

      NOTE: If you have an issue with Asterisk that is not package related, it would be best to raise these at the Asterisk Issue Tracker.